Starting from 25 May 2020, ICCP replaces ordinary Sunday mass with daily mass until further notice. Time and location will remain unchanged every week. Those who are willing to join are expected to register themselves by contacting the coordinator as listed in the schedule below and only allowed to attend the mass once in a week to give a chance for other people to attend.

Day Time Group Coordinator Mobile
Monday 10:00 St. Anthony of Padua Taty Ridwhan 0423 577 011
Tuesday 18:30 PDKK  Michael Tjahjono 0433 537 497
Wednesday 18:30 TOM Yuli Johan 0413 652 709
Thursday 10:00 Cenacle Christine Djajadi 0405 236 788
Friday 18:30 Altar Server Irwan Budiarto 0421 42 42 42
Saturday 10:00 ICYO Jessica Metta 0475 671 953

Daily Mass Regulations

  1. All attendees must register themselves to the coordinator. Maximum capacity of the daily mass is 20 attendees + 1 lector + priest
  2. Each attendant is expected to only attend the mass once a week in order to give a chance for other people to attend. If one is unable to come, please contact the coordinator immediately in order to find the replacement to fill the empty spot.
  3. Mass will be organised by the group that is listed on the table above. The daily mass is not exclusively to be attended by the member of the group above, but for every member of ICCP.
  4. The mass offertory is still being held but not circulated as usual. The offertory box will be placed at the back of the church. Everyone’s participation is expected.

Government’s Advice During the Pandemic

  1. Maintain a safe distance of 1.5 meters between attendants (both inside and outside the church). Family members are allowed to sit next to each other.
  2. Hand-sanitizing facility is provided outside the church, everyone must sanitize their hands before entering and after leaving the church.
  3. Those who have a cough, sore throat, runny nose or other symptoms should not attend the daily mass.
  4. Senior members of ICCP are expected to stay at home.