Indonesian Catholic Community of Perth

ICCP Membership Registration Form

About Us

ICCP aim to unify, deepening and strengthening the Catholic faith amongst the Catholic Indonesian population of Perth, Western Australia.

Pater Noster
Catholic Church

Come and join us in our weekly mass in Bahasa Indonesia every Sunday at 4 PM.

Pater Noster Catholic Church
460 Marmion St, Myaree WA 6154

Pemilihan Pengurus Executive Committee ICCP 2025-2026

Proses Pemilihan Pengurus Executive Committee ICCP 2025-2026 Dengan disahkannya Indonesian Catholic Community of Perth (ICCP) oleh Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB pada tanggal 27 Juli 2014, maka setiap akan berakhirnya masa jabatan pengurus Executive Committee ICCP...

ICCP Membership Registration Form

Penjelasan Perihal Pendaftaran Anggota ICCP   Sesuai dengan ketentuan dari Keuskupan Agung Perth, ICCP sebagai sebuah Perserikatan Kaum Awam Katolik WAJIB memiliki suatu ‘Daftar Anggota’ para anggotanya yang tercatat dan up- todate. Umat Katolik di Perth...

Pemilihan Pengurus EC (Executive Committee) ICCP 2021-2022

Umat ICCP diajak berperan aktif dalam proses pemilihan ini dan menggunakan hak suaranya demi perkembangan ICCP ke depannya. Umat hanya berhak menominasi 1 (satu) kali saja calon EC ICCP bisa dengan cara manual atau online. Batas terakhir nominasi tanggal 4 Oktober...


Giving is a Biblical principle. In Philippians 4:19, God’s promise is that He will supply all of our needs and has blessed us to be a blessing to others.

 Your generosity, big or small, keep our activities going. Follow the link below for the donation page.


Apart from a weekly mass that is held every Sunday in Bahasa Indonesia, there are several regular activities to help parishioners deepen their Catholic faith. 

St. Anthony of Padua Devotion Prayer Group

St. Anthony of Padua devotion prayer group, every third Tuesday 11.00 AM. Please contact Jeane  Pangalila – 0405 110 731 for info.

Cenacle Prayer Group (Doa Senakel)

Cenacle Prayer Group – Every first and third Thursday of the month at 10:30 AM.

Faith Development

Faith Development – please contact Amelia Thio 0452 259 099 for more info.

Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group

Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group (Persekutuan Doa Karismatik Katolik) – every second and fourth Wednesday 7 PM. Contact Elvie Angdrijono – 0451 688 588

Indonesian Catholic Youth Organisation

Indonesian Catholic Youth Organisation (ICYO) – Mudika Katolik Indonesia di Perth. Contact – Andreas Leonardi 0433 434 998

Turrist Orationist Ministry

Turrist Orationist Ministry (TOM) – Muda Mudi Karismatik Katolik Prayer Group. Contact – Elizabeth Yustira 0412 975 451. Click this box for more info.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Contact – Anggy Tanjaya 0467 585 297